Raw Sequence Data

Available by request

Raw sequence data refers to unanalyzed sequence data produced from sequencing the individual. This data is made available by request as described below.


We require written consent before releasing raw sequence data to the patient or guardian, the ordering healthcare provider or another third party.

Please complete and return our Request for Genetic Test Results Release form to account-relations@variantyx.com or family-relations@variantyx.com.

Sequence Data Access

Once the consent form has been received, our Clinical Coordination team will reach out via secure email with detailed instructions on how to access and download the sequence data.

Sequence Data Format

We provide sequence data in CRAM or BAM formats aligned to a modified hg38 which excludes alternate contigs, ensuring compatibility with standard hg38 reference files. Unmapped reads are kept in the alignment files to ensure lossless CRAM or BAM to FASTQ conversions.

We make the modified hg38 files available for download here:

Please note that CRAM or BAM formatted data is available for germline samples sequenced after September 2019. For samples sequenced before September 2019, please reach out to us using our Contact Us page for information about supported file formats.